Hall Rental Contract
Contract required to rent the Inwood Township
Hall. ( Printable PDF document )
Absent Voter Ballot Application
Absent voter ballots are available to
registered voters for all elections. They provide a convenient
method for casting a ballot instead of attending the polls on
election day. (Link to Secretary of State download web site)
Property Assessment:
2025 Inwood Township Land Values & ECF's
(Economic Condition Factors)
Mandatory posting of table of factors affecting
2025 assessment values . ( Excel Spreadsheet
download )
Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit
To claim a PRE, the property owner must submit
a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Affidavit, Form 2368, to the
assessor for the city or township in which the property is located.
... Normally, when you purchase a home, Form 2368 and other
relevant principal residence exemption forms are provided by the
closing agents.
Request to Rescind Homeowner's Principal Residency Exemption
When a person no longer owns or occupies the
property as a principal residence, he or she must file a Request to
Rescind Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption (PRE), Form 2602,
with the assessor for the city or township in which the property is
located to remove the PRE.
Poverty Exemption Information:
Poverty Exemption Resolutions - 2025
2025 Inwood Income and Asset test guidelines
2025 Inwood Township Accessibility Policy
Form 4988 - Poverty Exemption Affidavit
Form 5738 - Request for Approval of Percentage Reduction in Taxable Value for Poverty Exemptions
Form 5739 - Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy to Remain Exempt by Reason of Poverty
Form 5737 - Poverty Exemption Application
STC Bulletin 22 of 2023 - Poverty Exemption
STC Poverty Exemption Taxpayer Fact Sheet
Property Transfer Affidavit
This form must be filed whenever real estate or
some types of personal property are transferred (even if you are not
recording a deed). The completed Affidavit must be filed by the new
owner with the assessor for the city or township where the property
is located within 45 days of the transfer.
Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes
Provisions of the General Property Tax Act,
Public Act 206 of 1893, as amended, allows local tax collecting
units to defer the collection of taxes for property owners who meet
strict eligibility requirements set forth in the act. An owner may
file a completed deferment of property tax form with his or her city
or township treasurer by the designated deadline. A valid deferment
permits property taxes to be paid at a later date, without any
additional penalty and interest, as long as the new payment deadline
is met.
Freedom of Information Request Information & Forms
Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
1976 PA 442, provides that certain persons can receive copies or
make inspections of most public records of public bodies upon
written request. The person must sufficiently describe the records
he or she seeks. The public body may charge a fee to cover the cost
of complying with a person's FOIA request.