For November 20, 2024 submitted on December
11, 2024
Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.
Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry
Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Robin Double
Acceptance of meeting minutes from October – with corrections.
Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C
Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry
Boudreau. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C
Public Comment
Old Business
New Business
EMS Wages-Continue EMS President monthly wages moving forward.
Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C
Inwood Township paying for open skate at Little Bear West in
Manistique for 2024-2025 season. Motion B. Elliott, Support B.
Landis AIF M/C R. Double will find out remaining balance from
2023-2024 season.
Meal Reimbursement to increase from $15 for each lunch and dinner to
$20 each lunch and dinner moving forward. Motion B. Elliott, Support
K. Silkworth AIF M/C
December Board meeting changed from December 18 to December 11 at
7:00pm. Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C
FD/EMS from Brad Benard …We had two calls this past month. On one of
those calls the pumper 351 was throwing a transmission code and not
shifting properly. Upstate looked at it and ruled out any type of
easy wiring issue. Northbound in Gladstone was the next to get it,
they ran more sophisticated diagnostics and wanted to rule out an
abs sensor. They confirmed it to be a turbine speed sensor. That
model of transmission is an internal sensor. Which is a big job
having to drop the transmission main cover. Thankfully up
international was willing to take it. It went in Monday and I expect
it to be done this week some time. Upstate made one service call to
the hall to make sure it was safe to drive. And they serviced it and
did an inspection on it also. I have sent what I have so far for
invoices to Robin. Thank you end of Brad report
EMS from Ryan Knoph: 2 calls, 2 accidents…end of Ryan Report
Public comment
Discussion on Paving of Cemetery Road
Discussion of Cemetery head stone
Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)
Township deposits in the amount of $15,975.00, $15,900.75 payments
in the amount of $9,818.76 $9956.18 Motion B. Landis, Support B.
Elliott AIF M/C
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:57pm was made by Motion B.
Landis, Support R. Double AIF M/C
Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall
were: Jan & Pat Carley, Ted Foye, Mike Herro, Tony Nettleton and
Keith Rochefort
Submitted by Robin Double, Inwood Township Clerk