For October 16 2024 submitted on November
20, 2024
Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.
Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry
Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Robin Double
Acceptance of meeting minutes from September – with corrections.
Motion B. Elliott, Support S. Boudreau AIF M/C
Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry
Boudreau. Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C
Public Comment
Old Business
(From September Minutes. CD update. Rollover CD in State Savings
Bank in Manistique for 6 months at 4.50% APY for an earning amount
of $1,778.77. Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF
M/C)……UPDATE-when confirming State Savings Bank CD renewal, rate
dropped from 4.50% APY to 4.00% APY.
Green Burial- Ad in paper to attend November Board Meeting if
interested in Green burial in Inwood Township Cemetery
New Business
Discussed Audit Report, no issues.
S. BOUDREAU Filed 2024 State of Michigan annual qualifying
Ambulance Run stipend suspended due to no transport. Motion B.
Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C
-S. Boudreau checking with NBL Electric about yearly maintenance on
-K. Silkworth putting ad in Advisor for snow plow bids for 2024-2025
FD/EMS We had two calls this past month, one was a mutual aid call
for garden township. I received a restitution check from the person
responsible for the mill fire. We turned in a total of 121$ dollars
and the first check is 25$ I had talked to Tim Russell a few months
ago and told him any check would need to be made out to the township
but the check was made to Inwood fd. I can sign the check and give
it to Sherry or ask Tim that anymore checks be made out to the
township. Whatever needs to be done, I just want the repayment to go
to the correct place. Sherry can call me tomorrow and let me know
what I need to do. end of Brad report
EMS from Ryan Knoph: 1 call, 381 is licensed for now, 382 cargo
units is installed waiting on lights and radio…end of Ryan Report
K. Silkworth getting update from Ryan on duties now that there are
no ambulance runs.
(September Minutes)..K. Silkworth getting more info on the EMS class
October update…Student paying for own class.
St. Mary’s Alter Society of Cooks thank you card and $100 donation
check for using the hall
Public comment
Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)
Township deposits in the amount of $13,735.83,$2,582.52, payments in
the amount of $9,244.71 $13,735.83 Motion R. Double, Support K.
Silkworth AIF M/C
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:34pm was made by Motion B.
Landis, Support R. Double AIF M/C
Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall
were: Jan Carley
Submitted by
Robin Double
Inwood Township Clerk