Inwood Township

   Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

   For July 17, 2024 submitted on August 21, 2024


Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.

Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Robin Double

Acceptance of meeting minutes from June – with corrections. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry Boudreau. Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C


Public Comment


Old Business

New Business

Investment policy- K. Silkworth writing up resolution. tabled

Approve janitorial duties to include power washing and windows and redo gravel on cross work at the township hall for $17.00. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Election Worker Mileage- approve to pay the election workers mileage for working elections and attending training. Motion B. Elliott, Support K. Silkworth, S. Boudreau -No

Mowing- Jerry Silkworth updated price list to accommodate taxes at the end of the year. If not accepted, resigning immediately.

Increases include:

new cemetery from $500 to $750

town hall from $250 to $400

playground from $50 to $75

ball field from $100 to $125

fire hall remaining the same

old cemetery from $100 to $150

no motion to accept but to offer Jerry to continue at original price, if not, Jeremy Double will take over at original prices.

Gina Feichtenbiner sworn in as deputy clerk effective today

Budget Amendment.

  Increase public works 101-448 to $23,000 from fund balance

  Increase total roads 201-446 to $91,000 from fund balance

  Motion R. Double, B. Landis,  AIF M/C


FD/EMS From Brad Benard: We had 3 calls for service the past month. I had met with a contractor about the hall last Friday and had hoped he would get me a preliminary work report so I could share with you the status of our building. When that comes I will pass it along right away. I still need to get another quote also but I wanted to share some of the things we found. I had him break it up into three different parts. 1 being where the trucks park. 2. Being where the brush truck parks behind the kitchen and 3. The pavilion. Number 1 doesn’t need a lot and he told me a couple ways we can stop water coming in. Area 2 has some concerns including the restrooms. There is a sag in the roof and upon further inspection there is inadequate roof support. Lastly I had him look at the pavilion. There a many concerns there also. Mainly the area where the middle roof meets with the east pavilion. Roof trusses are sagging and rotting. He had said it’s all fixable and we are just waiting on a price. I will send that as soon as he gets that to me. Thank you end of Brad report


EMS from Ryan Knoph: 5 calls this past month- 2. False alarms with iPhone crash alert, 1. canceled in route, 1.  Mems was paved first and beat us there, 1. No medic available.-end of Ryan report


FOIA Requests-

Warren Group. Received $402.90 for winter tax roll, fulfilled June 28, 2024

Warren Group. Received $405.00 for summer tax roll, fulfilled July 16, 2024

Public comment

Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)

Township deposits in the amount of $12,438.30 payments in the amount of $30,065.47 $30,145.71 Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Approve reimburse for K. Silkworth for cleaning supplies, vacuum, mop bucket, cleaning cart for $280.24 for township hall

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:06pm was made by Motion B. Landis, Support R. Double AIF M/C


Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall were: Jan Carley, Bill Anderson

Submitted by Robin Double, Inwood Township Clerk