Inwood Township

   Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For June 26, 2024 submitted on July 17, 2024


Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.

Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Robin Double

Acceptance of meeting minutes from May – with corrections. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry Boudreau. Motion K. Silkworth, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Public Comment

Old Business

Green cemetery- tabled

New Business

Accept Dylan Jurasin Assessor contract for 2 more years. Current contract ends June 15th 2024. Monthly payment will go from $1,459.50 to $1,653.70. Motion R. Double, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

CD Renewal from Peninsula Federal Credit Union that matures June 28th. Renew for 1 year at 4.75% APY. Motion S. Boudreau, Support B. Landis AIF M/C

Gail Demars is done cleaning hall effective June 31st 30th. Accept Kim Fields as her replacement at $60 per cleaning after events and $17 per hour for spring/fall cleaning. Motion B. Elliott, Support R. Double AIF M/C

Cemetery roads- Accept estimate BID from Desjarden Excavating for $14,447.29 for build roads though cemetery. Motion B. Landis, Support R. Double AIF M/C

FD/EMS From Brad Benard: We had three calls last month, and the two probationary members we had in class have officially passed their firefighter’s test. They will both be important members for the years to come. One will even be taking an EMT class the next time it’s offered. I would like permission to get quotes for 6-8 sets of gear and wild land gear. The new members are using discarded gear from previous members that are expired along with some expired gear for some other members. I would like to get newer gear for active members only. Lastly, I have a few thoughts on a new building. I fully understand the demographic we have as a township and the odds of something being successful on the ballot is low. I don’t want to do all that work for nothing nor do I want to rush into anything and settle for an exact replica of the building we have now. The main limitation we have is any vehicle we look at getting has to meet a certain length in order to fit inside. If we can change the floor plan of the new building, we would allow the township and department to purchase larger vehicles either new or at auction and not have to have them specially made to a specific length. This would set up the department for future generations allowing them to better protect the resident and surrounding area better as the business of fire protection evolves. That being said, I’d like to come up with a rough size floor plan and orientation of a future building and continue to look for other ways of funding it. In the meantime, if we need to get a contractor in to repair some of the issues just give me permission and I’ll get some quotes. I understand this will be a long process and I’m willing to stick with it. If I could please get an email or text with suggestions concerns and decisions to my questions I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you end of Brad report

EMS from Ryan Knoph: 4 runs so far this month.-end of Ryan report

Correspondence Letter from CUPPAD, K. Silkworth is calling to see what it entails

Public comment

Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)

Approve payments:

Desjarden Excavating-1/2 payment for cemetery roads $7,223.65

Robin Double-Mileage for training $111.22

Jerry Silkworth- Lawn Mowing $2275.00

Manistique Computers-updating election computer $200

Bayview Trucking-Ambulance repairs $430.65

Schoolcraft County Treasurer- Summer tax preparation $397.66

Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Township deposits in the amount of $18,111.11, $17,936.11 payments in the amount of $52,537.69 $45,314.05 Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:47pm was made by Motion B. Landis, Support R. Double AIF M/C

Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall were: Dylan Jurasin

Submitted by Robin Double, Inwood Township Clerk