Inwood Township

   Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For April 17, 2024 submitted on May 15, 2024


Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.

Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Robin Double

Acceptance of meeting minutes from March – with corrections. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Acceptance of meeting minutes from March Special – with corrections. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry Boudreau. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Public Comment

Old Business

Green Cemetery-Tabled

Highline Update (FIBER-OPTIC INTERNET) – If you want to be on a list, call 1-888-212-0054. Coming mid May.

Mowing Contracts – Received one from Jerry’s Lawn Care Service, costs are as follows:

New Cemetery-$500 (bi-monthly)

Old Cemetery-$100 (as needed)

Town Hall-$250 (bi-monthly)

Playground-$50 (as needed)

Fire Hall- $100 (as needed)

Accept mowing bid Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C


New Business

Manistique EMS billing- no more intercept bills due to the passing 2023 EMS milage

Budget Amendment- Take $8,000 from Public Works (101-448) and $10,000 from Public Safety (206-651) and put it into Recreation & Culture (101-751) Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Michigan Department of State Reimbursement Form Update – Due end of April

Presidential Primary Reimbursement Form Update – Due May 27th

Hall Contract – Add $50.00 each additional day prior to event for setup whether resident or non-resident. Motion B. Landis, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C

Update electronic poll book- board suggests to ask Beth Edwards, County Clerk her opinion on buying new or upgrading the current computer software.

Purchase extra screen for clerk computer at an estimated cost of $100 through Amazon. Motion B. Elliott, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C

Advertise 2024 Spring Cleanup for 2 weeks in the Advisor, dates are May 13th - May 19th


FD/EMS From Brad Benard: We had 2 calls the past month. Going to put our sxs out at Linda’s this coming Saturday. We are starting to get the lights and stuff for the new rescue truck. I have Nate Berg scheduled to start wiring it when available. That’s all I have for this month.-end of Brad report

EMS from Ryan Knoph: 2 Calls, 2nd call was a mutual aid to assist Manistique and Alger County for SXS accident. Multiple people injured. MEMS and Alger Transported both patients to Marquette. Ryan went with Manistique to assist with critical patient to Marquette, Becky and Walt had our ambulance. Arrived on scene to assist with Alger County loading of patient. Brad was first responder on scene before an ambulance arrived. He assisted State police with patients and assisted the medics with patient care and loading the injured. MEMS requested our ambulance. I know only 2 medics and 1 driver gets paid per run, but this run should be an exception to that. All personal on call were needed.-end of Ryan report


Public comment

Planning Commission update from Pat Carley

Irma Gonzalez-Hider thanked Inwood Township for the use of the hall

Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)

Township deposits in the amount of $533.68, payments in the amount of $6,819.76 $6,773.59 Motion B. Landis, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:13pm was made by Motion B. Landis, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C

Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall were: Bill Anderson, Pat & Jan Carley, Irma Gonzalez-hider.


Submitted by Robin Double, Inwood Township Clerk