Inwood Township

   Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For March 20, 2024 submitted on April 17, 2024


Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.

Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Robin Double

Acceptance of meeting minutes from February – with corrections. Motion B. Landis, Support S. Boudreau AIF M/C 

Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry Boudreau. Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C

*Check number 8779 written on Sep 21st 2023 made out to K. Silkworth never made it to her, hasn’t been cashed and can’t be cashed because it’s been over 6 months.

Public Comment

Old Business

Green Cemetery-Tabled

K. Silkworth meeting with Fausett funeral home about carrying natural embalming fluid 

Discuss Camera Placement- Sending payment, will increase lighting if need be. 

Basketball court discussion. Approve half-court basketball court, Gene Swayer Estimate of $12,180.00. Cost of hoop is $1,250 TO BE DETERMINED. Motion K. Silkworth, Support R. Double Yes-B. Elliott No-B. Landis, No- S. Boudreau M/C 

Hourly wage increases from $15.00. to $17.00 for board of review, election workers, and maintenance and no more mileage rates REIMBURSEMENTS TO AND FROM HALL. MILEAGE REIMBURSMENTS ARE FOR TRAININGS AND CLASSES ONLY. Begin on April 1st 2024. Motion K. Silkworth, Support B. Landis AIF M/C 

New Business

Approve 2024-2025 budget OF $238,515.00 as presented. Motion K. Silkworth, Support R. Double AIF M/C 

Spring Cleanup 2024. Dates are from Monday May 13th-Saturday May 18th. Accepting 600 pounds per household. Accepting computer monitors and towers, TVs, laptops, boxsprings and mattresses. Motion K. Silkworth, Support B. Landis AIF M/C 

Approve Board of review meal at full reimbursement, including supervisor and assessor meal. Total is $149.94. Motion K. Silkworth, Support R. Double AIF M/C 

Mowing advertisement approval, add Kellys phone number and “must be insured”. Run until April 15th Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C 

CD Renewal. Limestone Federal Credit Union matures April 5th, reinstate for 14 months at 5.65% APY Motion S. Boudreau, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C 

2024-2025 meeting dates, 3rd Wednesday of every month except June which will be the 4th Wednesday. Motion K. Silkworth, Support B. Landis AIF M/C 

Appoint K. Silkworth to the EMS advisory Board. Motion B. Elliott, Support B. Landis AIF M/C 

Check # 8966 is missing from checks, R. DOUBLE REPORTED 

FD/EMS From Brad Benard: no calls.-end of Brad report

EMS from Ryan Knoph: 1 run on 3-17-24


Highline Meeting w/Board, see if they can attend regular board meeting 

Public comment

Comments from Keith Rochefort about basketball court

Comments from Steve Schmeck about website updates

Comments from Bill Anderson on spring cleanup 

Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)

Township deposits in the amount of $76,014.91, payments in the amount of $10,723.14  $10,908.14 Motion S. Boudreau, Support B. Landis AIF M/C 

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:03pm was made by Motion B. Landis, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C 

Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall were: Keith & Mary Rochefort, Steve Schmeck, Sue Robishaw, Bill Anderson, Jan Carley, Joe Gerzetich, Michelle Guzzetta.  

Submitted by Robin Double, Inwood Township Clerk