Inwood Township

   Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For January 17, 2024 submitted on February 20, 2024


Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by K. Silkworth.

Board members present: Bonnie Elliott, Bryan Landis, Sherry Boudreau, Kelly Silkworth, Absent: Robin Double

Acceptance of meeting minutes from December – with correction. Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C 

Acceptance of financial report as presented by Treasurer Sherry Boudreau. Motion K. Silkworth, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

Public Comment

Old Business

Camera was installed from Sinetech, monitoring is blurry at night with the lighting, Will hold check until new lens is put up. Sinetech Update: Sinetech is ordering new lens, will arrive on Friday February 2nd and installed.    

New Business 

FD/EMS From Brad Benard: We had no calls this past month. In other business, we purchased a new thermal imager and two new air quality detectors. The lights are all ordered for the rescue truck but will take a while to get here. Roughly six weeks. Lastly our firemen’s party is this Saturday. Hope to see everyone there -end of Brad report

EMS from Ryan Knoph: no report 


Receiving an additional credit from Cloverland Electric for $10.24, street light is now fixed 

Public comment

Pat Carley gave an update on the planning commission 

Payment of Outstanding Bills (checking account only)

Township deposits in the amount of $99,423.58, payments in the amount of $7,821.72 $8,688.59 Motion B. Landis, Support B. Elliott AIF M/C 

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm was made by Motion B. Landis, Support K. Silkworth AIF M/C 

Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township Hall were: Pat and Jan Carley 

Submitted by Robin Double, Inwood Township Clerk