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      Township Board Meeting Minutes

Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For June 20, 2018 submitted on July 18th, 2018


Pledge of allegiance was said

Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by Supervisor Kelly Silkworth

Board members present:  Cindy Watchorn, Bryan Landis, Sara Roberts, Bonnie Elliot, and Kelly Silkworth

Accepted previous meeting minutes as presented by clerk. Motion B. Landis Support B. Elliott  AIF M/C.

Accepted the financial report as presented by treasurer. Motion B. Landis Support B. Elliott



Old Business

-Dust Control was done on 6/19/18 and 6/20/18. Fox Road was only done in front of first house. Road Commission will finish.   


New Business

- Estimates were done for the Fire Department doors. Delta Door Co quoted two lift master openers – one small opener with replacing two damaged panels for $4,912.60. Hunter Garage quoted the same job minus the small opener for $3,223.83. Motion to go with Hunter Garage C. Watchorn Support B. Landis AIF M/C

- Quotes for central air at the hall. Hoholik’s - $5750.00 Paul’s Plumbing - $3,995.00 Paul’s can install by 6/26/18. Motion to accept Paul’s B. Landis Support B. Elliott AIF M/C

- A burial was placed in the wrong spot along with the tombstone. Total cost to correct was $1,145.00. Insurance will cover that cost, Township will pay the funeral home, and funeral home will pay sexton.

- Currently have multiple plots sold to more than one person. All sales put on hold until problem is resolved. Course of action: have cemetery resurveyed, hire independent person to manage cemetery and keep books in accordance with the clerk. Sexton would be contacted when burial is needed. Kelly to hire surveyor to verify if current survey by Obrien is correct. TABLED until that is determined.

- Floor scrubber estimate from Cloverland Paper & Supple Co. 15” $2,943.00 or 20” $5,410.00.

Bryan asked if we had any other quotes or if we should get any others. Kelly stated that Hiawatha Chef has not provided good service in the past. Motion to accept Cloverland’s 15” quote B. Elliott Support

- Buoys from Straights Lake have been put out by Jesse DesJarden for $200 fee.

- Payment for the new hall has been made in the amount of $45,478.07/Principle payment in amount of $7,473.00.

- Playground equipment – would like to move fencing and swing set closer to the hall and purchase new jungle gym, existing one is not safe to use. Bill Anderson would charge $10/hour to do the job. Kelly will get an estimate for new jungle gym to present to the board. Motion to hire Bill to move fencing and swing set closer to hall K. Silkworth Support B. Landis AIF M/C


- F.D. – tank order, new sink in fire hall, & three new members.


- EMS – preparing for new protocol procedures. Need water tested. No contact from third EMT, has made several attempts. Job description in process, will have next meeting.




Public Comment



Payment of Outstanding Bills

Payments made in the amount of $62,066.42 and deposits in the amount of $31,554.54. Motion C. Watchorn Support B. Landis AIF M/C


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. was made by C. Watchorn support B. Landis AIF M/C


Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township hall were:  John Whitmer, Pete Crotteau, Jean Frankovich, Jan Carley, Pat Carley, Cindy Swayer, Terry Brooks, Sandy Brooks,  and Sandy Roder


    Submitted by Sara Roberts, Inwood Township Clerk                  
Approved on July 18, 2018