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Township Board Meeting Minutes

Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For May 16, 2018 submitted on June 20th, 2018

Pledge of allegiance was said
Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by Kelly Silkworth Supervisor.
Board members present: Cindy Watchorn, Kelly Silkworth, Bryan Landis, Bonnie Elliot and Sara Roberts
Accepted previous meeting minutes as presented by Clerk. Motion B. Landis Support S. Roebsrt AIF M/C.
Accepted the financial report as presented by treasurer. Motion S. Roberts Support B. Elliot AIF M/C

Old Business

New Business
-Dust Control - Got a quote from Bay Dust Control. 38% at .75/gal for 8,000 gallons = $6,000. 35% at .72/gal for 8,000 gallons = $5,760. 26% at .45/gal for 8,000 gallons = $4,050.
Road Commission quoted .35 liquid chloride. Its less percentage of brine, even if it needs reapplication it'll still be cheaper. Township will be saving per gallon, plus saving $100 by not sending a ride along, and staying local. Motion to go with R.C. B. Landis Support C. Watchorn AIF M/C

EMS - Regan Twardokus took over AccuMed Billing for $20 per run sheet.


Public Comment
- For Road Commission to fix Tanguay Road in Cooks it would need sand and gravel lift. Got quotes, will discuss at a later date.

Payment of Outstanding Bills
Payments made in the amount of $24,334.94 and deposits in the amount of $10,442.54.
Motion C. Watchorn Support S. Roberts AIF M/C

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:14pm was made by C. Watchorn support B. Landis AIF M/C

Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township hall were: Jan Carley, Keith/Mary Rochefort, Jean Frankovich, John Osterhout, Terry/Sandy Brooks, Wayne Silkworth, and Pete Crotteau

Submitted by Sara Roberts, Inwood Township Clerk                  
Approved on May 20, 2018