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Township Board Meeting Minutes

Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For September 20, 2017 submitted on October 18, 2017


Pledge of allegiance was said

Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by Kelly Silkworth Supervisor.

Board members present:  Cindy Watchorn, Kelly Silkworth, Bryan Landis, Sara Roberts, and Bonnie Elliot.

Accepted previous meeting minutes as presented by clerk. Motion B. Landis Support C. Watchorn  AIF M/C.

Accepted the financial report as presented by treasurer. Motion S. Roberts Support B. Landis AIF M/C


Old Business

-Ridge Road issues continue to be TABLED. The lady working for Equalization is only there two days a week with odd hours making it difficult to discuss and resolve these problems. To fix these issues will be more extensive and costly due to having to change maps and plot books. Work is still in progress.


New Business

-Manistique Senior Center is asking for support in the upcoming November election. They are asking for a five year, .62 mileage towards operational funding only. Past mileages have failed and Connie is concerned it could result in the doors closing. They are the busiest Senior Center in the U.P. and offer so much to our local seniors.



-F.D. – assisted with a truck fire at Tylene’s and also with rerouting traffic for the accident by Foxy’s Den.

-Corn Roast was a huge success. Thanked everyone who contributed and attended.


-EMS – Two individuals interested in taking the EMS class. It costs $800 per person and if they fail the class they are responsible for repayment. EMS is asking for help with funding towards sending these individuals to take the course. Motion B. Elliot Support S. Roberts AIF M/C

-State inspection went very well. Asked to put in Discrimination Practices in EMS policy Book and to put in the Township policy book as well. Motion B. Landis Support C. Watchorn AIF M/C




Public Comment


Payment of Outstanding Bills

Payments made in the amount of $49,391.02 and deposits in the amount of $11,453.53. Motion C. Watchorn Support S. Roberts AIF M/C


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. was made by C. Watchorn support S. Roberts AIF M/C


Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township hall were:  Connie Frenette, Keith Rochefort, Mary Rochefort, Jan Carley, Pat Carley, Loren Swayer, Cindy Swayer, Pete Crotteau, Sandy Roder, Sandy Brooks, and Terry Brooks.


Submitted by  Sara Roberts Inwood Township Clerk                      

Approved on October 18, 2017