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Township Board Meeting Minutes

Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For July 19, 2017 submitted on August 21, 2017


Pledge of allegiance was said

Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by Kelly Silkworth Supervisor.

Board members present:  Cindy Watchorn, Kelly Silkworth, Bryan Landis, Sara Roberts, and Bonnie Elliot absent

Accepted previous meeting minutes as presented by clerk. Motion B. Landis Support C. Watchorn  AIF M/C.

Accepted the financial report as presented by treasurer. Motion S. Roberts Support B. Landis AIF M/C


Old Business

-Issues for Ridge Road have been put on hold due to the retirement of Paul Wood. Nothing can be addressed until position is filled at the end of August. Situation has been TABLED


New Business

-Looking at bids for putting gravel down over the old hall. For 82 yards and compacted through DesJarden’s was estimated at $2,680. Whitman’s estimated at $1,804 for delivery, leveling, and compacted. Hartman’s estimated $2,019 for delivery, leveling, and compacted - $2,799 if a sweeper is needed. Talked about issues with putting gravel directly on top of the sand due to sinking of the gravel. Discussed laying felt between sand and gravel to eliminate sinking. Loren is going to ask the mill about donating felt – TABLED


-Paving parking lot of the new hall to be done 7/2/17. It was questioned if Cross Construction included top soil for the edges of the parking lot in the contract. Kelly to contact Cross, but didn’t think it was included in price.


-Old cemetery has a lot of holes and ruts. Boys scouts and local Democrats to help with labor to fix the landscaping. DesJarden’s is going to donate top soil and Robere Farms is going to donate sand. Bill Anderson had asked if the Township would approve putting a sign up at the cemetery to recognize everyone that is going to help with the project.  Motion C. Watchorn Support B. Landis AIF M/C



-F.D. – assisted with two accidents on US2. Water is back on at the Fire Hall. One issue discussed. Apparently the issue was with the septic during the winter. Water was coming from the furnace and freezing the toilets causing them to not be used. Board to contact Hoholik’s for a holding tank to prevent issues in the future.


-EMS – Wants to advertise for an EMS class in October – looking for EMT and First Response. Also selling Corn Roast tickets via Cindy Swayer.



-T-Mobile wants to improve antennas, location on Fire Tower Road.  


Public Comment

-Reminder of August meeting changed to Monday, August 21st.

-There are no plots open at the old cemetery.

-$200 refund expected from Cloverland Electric.

-New light at the end of the driveway at the new hall to cost $11 per month instead of $25

-Discussion on flags at Veteran sites at the cemetery.


Payment of Outstanding Bills

Payments made in the amount of $63,167.85 and deposits in the amount of $14,723.88. Motion C. Watchorn Support B. Landis AIF M/C


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. was made by B. Landis Support C. Watchorn AIF M/C


Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township hall were:  Keith Rochefort, Mary Rochefort, Jan Carley, Pat Carley, Loren Swayer, Cindy Swayer, Bill Anderson, Polly Nedeau, Pete Crotteau, Ryan McDonough, Sandy Roder, Becky Knoph, Sandy Brooks, and Terry Brooks.



   Submitted by Sara Roberts, Inwood Township Clerk                    
Approved on August 21, 2017