Inwood Township Meeting Minutes
For Dec 13, 2016 submitted on Jan 18, 2017
Pledge of
allegiance was said
Meeting was called
to order at 7 P.M. by Kelly Silkworth Supervisor.
Board members
present: Cindy Watchorn,
Kelly Silkworth, Bryan Landis and Sara Roberts with Bonnie Elliot
Accepted previous
meeting minutes as presented by clerk. Motion C. Watchorn Support
Bryan B. AIF M/C
Accepted the
financial report as presented by treasurer. Motion B. Landis Support
C. Watchorn AIF M/C
Old Business
Snow fence for new
Fire Department
grant has been submitted, may not hear anything until spring
New Business
Plowing was
discussed – Desarden’s ($25 per push) to start January 1st.
Sale of tables and
chairs from old hall to DesJarden’s. Price at $50 per table was
mentioned - tabled
Demolition/Salvaging of old hall to DesJarden’s – tabled
Township is still
in need for Board of Review members
Discussing raises
for B.O.R. - tabled
Acoustic pictures
were purchased for the hall for decoration and sound improvement
F.D. responded to
a fire at D & D Rochefort’s residence on Popour Rd
- Loren Swayer and
Cindy Swayer absent
Public Comment
Was held – Fire
Department’s response to the Rochefort residence’s fire was
discussed and will be addressed by the Board.
Township residents
feel plowing for the hall should be a bid item.
Payment of Outstanding Bills
Payments made in
the amount of $6,695.24 and deposits in the amount of $1,230.08.
Motion B. Landis Support C. Watchorn AIF M/C
Motion to adjourn
the meeting at 7:20 p.m. was made by C. Watchorn Supported by B.
Landis AIF M/C
Others present for the regular
meeting at the Inwood Township hall were:
Keith Rochefort, Mary Rochefort, Pat Carley, Jan Carley,
Dorothy Rochefort, Sandy Brooks, and Terry Brooks.
Submitted by
Sara Roberts
Inwood Township Clerk Approved on Jan 18, 2016