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Township Board Meeting Minutes

Inwood Township Meeting Minutes

For January 16, 2019 submitted on February 20, 2019

Pledge of allegiance was said

Meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by Supervisor Kelly Silkworth.

Board members present:  Cindy Watchorn, Bonnie Elliot, Sara Roberts, Bryan Landis, and Kelly Silkworth.

Acceptance of previous meeting minutes from November and December as presented by Clerk Sara Roberts. Motion B. Elliott Support B. Landis AIF M/C.

Accepted the financial report as presented by Treasurer. Motion S. Roberts Support B. Landis AIF M/C

Old Business

No Old Business

New Business

Board of Review Annual Conference to be held February 6th. Supervisor Kelly Silkworth was asked to attend by two BOR members. Kelly asked board’s approval to attend. Four members total to attend. Motion S. Roberts Support B. Landis AIF M/C

Assessor Tom Kitzman gives all paperwork to a company downstate to be printed, stuffed, and mailed for a small cost. It would cost more and consist of more time doing it himself. Asking approval to go through the same company again. Motion C. Watchorn Support B. Landis AIF M/C

Yooper Wine & Spirits – formerly known as Garden Bay Winery - to replace/open a new business at their current location at 11858W US2, Cooks, MI 49817. They want to establish two new licenses, an SDM license for sale of wine, beer, and daily wine tasting. They also want to add an SDD license for allowing the sale of spirits, update signage, and marking. TABLED until board acquires more information for next month’s meeting. Motion to TABLE B. Elliot Support C. Watchorn AIF M/C


One mutual aide to Garden for a garage fire. Eight personnel showed up. Upon return to Fire Hall, there were issues with the tanker. Starter went on the tanker and brakes went on the brush truck all in one day.

Fire extinguishers need to be checked for annual updates.

Issues with garage door opener at Fire Hall. If issues persist after changing batteries in the opener itself, Fire Department is to contact Hunter Doors from McMillan to check on possible warranty.

No word on grant for the Fire Department with current government shut down.

EMS – ELLCOM came to do some programming in the ambulances.


Public Comment

Payment of Outstanding Bills

Payments made in the amount of $6,071.63 and deposits in the amount of $89,006.90.

Motion C. Watchorn Support B. Landis AIF M/C

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:19pm was made by C. Watchorn support B. Landis AIF M/C

Others present for the regular meeting at the Inwood Township hall were: Loren/Cindy Swayer, Keith/Mary Rochefort, Pete Crotteau, Don/Dorothy Rochefort.  

Submitted by Sara Roberts Inwood Township Clerk                      Approved on February 20, 2019